Is it good to play with slime? by KK Slime

Is it good to play with slime? by KK Slime

As parents, one of your priorities is to provide your little ones with a stimulating and fun environment to help them grow and develop. One way to nurture your munchkin’s curious mind is by introducing them to sensory activities, such as slime play. This activity is designed to stimulate and engage your toddler’s five senses—smell, touch, taste, sight, and hearing, and offer a structured and controlled environment to boost their motor and cognitive development.

Yes, we agree that slime play can get a bit messy sometimes, but that’s the joy of this activity! Moreover, the benefits of slime play for toddlers are plenty compared to its flaws, so you can consider incorporating this activity into your toddler’s daily routine without worrying too much.

Read on to know all the benefits of slime play for toddlers, fun games to consider, and safety tips to keep in mind while playing with them.

How Does Slime Encourage Sensory Stimulation?

Slime play offers a tactile sensory experience for kids. One of the reasons this sensory activity is super-appealing for kids is that it can stimulate several senses at once. Children typically enjoy the squishy texture of the slime, and its bright colours and features. Adding natural scents to the slime can also help engage your child’s sense of smell and sight, making it all the more beneficial. 

How to Make Slime at Home?

You can easily make slime at home, with three simple ingredients—glue, baking soda, and contact lens solution. Start by mixing the three ingredients until the slime starts to form, and then add other accessories like glitter, sparkles, food colouring, stars, beads, miniature plastic balls, and so on to enhance the texture, look, and fragrance of the slime.

    Slime play for toddlers is highly recommended as it helps build their fine motor and coordination skills and also stimulates their imagination. It also helps encourage your child’s social and emotional skills and makes them more creative and independent. But make sure that your child always plays under your supervision and handles the slime with caution to avoid accidental ingestion.  

    Source: HERE


    Shop kids slime online - at KK SLIME we offer Stretchy slime, Fluffy Slime, Cloud Slime, Gel slime and butter slime. 

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